Your Nurse Staffing Solution

StaffUpApp is a fully Private Labeled, Mobile Staffing Platform. Built for a new generation of Nurse Staffing Entrepreneurs

Built for Every Type of Nurse Staffing

Whether you staff Per Diem, Travel, Full Time, or something inbetween, we can help take you to the next level.  Not only do your candidates demand a better experience but so do your clients.  Our unique technology gives each of your audiences the tools they demand, and sets your agency apart from the competition both big and small.

Credentials & Compliance

We simplify the process of credentialing and compliance, enabling your agency to maintain impeccable standards with ease. This ensures that every professional you place is not only qualified but is the perfect fit for the hospitals, clinics and long term care facilities you serve. 


Different Nurses have different needs.  Per Diem is not the same as travel, so your solution needs to be flexible enough to serve both. Publish shifts instantly to your qualified pool nurses, or offer them directly to selected talent. Offer bonuses for hard to fill or last minute shifts. Keep track of who’s working with real time dashboards that both you and your clients have access to.

Time & Approvals

Allow your workforce to easily punch in and punch out, with pre-defined break times and GPS fencing if desired. Automate timesheet submissions by day or by week, as well as client approvals. Real time notifications keep the process moving whether you're paying attention or not.

Payroll that Keeps you competitive

Workers today choose companies that don’t make them wait. Our partnership with Everee allows you to Pay 1099 and W-2 workers as soon as a job is done, even on holidays and weekends. Have another payroll service you prefer? No problem. Chances are we can integrate with your provider to enable your workers to see their earnings, update withholding information, and access pay stubs.

Ready to Learn More?

There is no better time than now. Nurse Staffing is evolving to meet the needs of modern day workers, and our Private Labeled Mobile Staffing platform is just the edge you need.

Reach out today for a free consultation and demonstration of our platform.