The #1 way to become irrelevant in Temp Staffing over the next few years:
The #1 way to become irrelevant in Temp Staffing over the next few years:
Ignoring IndeedFlex. Their stated mission is to become the worlds largest employer within the next 10 years.
How are they going to do it? IndeedFlex.
This isn't just another job board. Its the worlds largest Staffing Company (Your largest competitor) investing in dynamic, flexible workforce technology that they embed at your client sites.
They are giving clients a technology solution to manage their workforce.
Once the clients adapt the "Free" technology, Indeed wins by being the employer of record and making money on the payroll dollars.
Sound familiar? That is YOUR business model, just with a dynamic staffing platform powering it all.
What does this mean for you?
It means if you aren't thinking about how to at least meet, if not beat, Indeed at their own game, you could become completely irrelevant in the next few years.
While everyone is pushing automation, and AI, the real leaders in the space know that dynamic and flexible workforce platforms are the real future of Temp Staffing.
And yes, they will also have AI and Automation....
This technology is VERY hard to build on your own, so you either need to hire a team of developers now and get cracking, or you should consider partnering with a company like StaffUpApp who is already well on the road to making this a reality for their clients.
Check out the article link in the comments below and watch the video. It could be the single most important turning point in the future of your Temp Staffing Business.
Here is the article link: